Brookside Care Home, Melksham

This afternoon we revisited this care home – where our previous appearance was way back in November 2019. The Pandemic had certainly made an impact on these care homes, but it was good to be able to bring our entertainment back to this venue.

It seemed there had been a large turnover in staff since our last visit because we did not recognise any of the staff – but there was one male volunteer who was familiar to us and he had obviously survived the Pandemic. Glancing around the room we recognised large photographs framed on the walls of The Beatles and Elvis Presley. In addition, the background music included a 1960s song by Cliff Bennett and the Rebel Rousers – so we knew our music would be of interest to the gathered residents.

Once we had started our programme it became obvious there were a few residents who were joining in with the singing, and indeed they clapped along with our Roger for Eight Days A Week. And the interest gathered pace as we played more and more familiar songs. The staff helped our audience to enjoy the entertainment, and we received warm applause at the end.

We were invited to come back at a convenient date, and we look forward to doing so in the near future. Singers missing today were Ron Dolman and Phil Dyke. Our programme was:-

  1. Mr Tambourine Man

2. Saturday Night At The Movies

3. Eight Days A Week                

4. The Rose                                 

5. Under The Boardwalk            

6. So Happy Together                 

7. Can’t Help Falling In Love      

8. Here Comes My Baby           

9. Yesterday                          

10. I Fought The Law                 

11. Bad Moon Rising 

12. Rhinestone Cowboy                 

13. Michelle                            

14. California Dreaming                

15. I’m Into Something Good       

16. All My Loving                    

17. American Trilogy                    

Goatacre Manor Care Centre

Yesterday we were once again entertaining at this care centre.

We have performed so often at the Goatacre Manor Care Centre that we feel like a resident band. We recognise so many faces in the audience and we know they will join along with us as best they can to have some fun for an hour.

We had also taken along a guest visitor named ‘Will’ from Holland who is currently in this country to see his work colleague – our singer Chris Scott. Will belongs to a mixed choir in his homeland and they perform similar material to what we cover. so, it was interesting to hear his delightful comments about our performance, and hopefully we may get to see some of the videos he recorded.

We were again treated to refreshments after the performance at the home of singer Jack Webb, and we thank him for his baking skills – this time it was a wonderful ginger cake.

Missing today was singer Ron Dolman. Our programme was:-

1.Mr Tambourine Man

2. Saturday Night At The Movies

3. Eight Days A Week                    

4. The Rose                                  

5. Under The Boardwalk                

6. So Happy Together                   

7. Can’t Help Falling In Love    

8. Here Comes My Baby             

9. Yesterday                               

10. I Fought The Law                

11. Bad Moon Rising   

12. Rhinestone Cowboy                  

13. Michelle                                      

14. California Dreaming                   

15. I’m Into Something Good        

16. All My Loving                                

17. American Trilogy                    

Royal Wootton Bassett Spring Tea Party

This afternoon we entertained at this tea party organised by the Rotary Club for senior citizens of the town.

We have previously provided entertainment for this annual event, but the last time it was held was 2018 – with the COVID Pandemic putting a halt to the event in recent years. There was a great crowd assembled in the Memorial Hall and we recognised many members of the RWB Monday Club who were present in the room. Town Mayor Pat Farrow attended the function as well as the Town Crier Owen Collier.

Rotary Club members and friends had been busy preparing the hall since 10:00am, and most of the audience had finished their sandwiches and cake before the time arrived for our performance. We sang through our 40 minute programme and the audience joined in for most of them. Indeed, we managed to persuade the Town Crier to ring his bell along with Phil Dyke for the rendition of Amarillo! Well done Sir.

Our selection of songs proved to be very popular. When the time came for us to finish we gave the audience the opportunity to pick the final song. They could not make up their minds and so we decided to finish with Hi Ho Silver Lining – and the hall was filled with people waving their arms in the air.

Missing today were singers Ron Dolman and John Webb. Our programme was:-

1. There’ll Never Be Anyone Else

2. When Will I Be Loved            

3. Saturday Night At The Movies   

4. The Young Ones                   

5. Can’t Help Falling In Love          

6. When My Little Girl Is Smiling     

7. Amarillo                                  

8. Rhinestone Cowboy               

9. More Than I Can Say                 

10. Do Wah Diddy Diddy       

11. Hey Baby                         

12. Hi Ho Silver Lining                 

Fitzwarren House, Swindon

Yesterday we made our second appearance at this care home on the eastern side of Swindon.

We knew it was going to be a successful performance when the black cat ‘Warren’ walked infront of us whilst we were preparing for the concert. Apparently Warren is the larger of two black cats that prowl around the home. The other one is named – ‘Fitz’ for some reason! We also saw a black dog being walked before us during our singing, so it was an afternoon of surprises.

We could recognise many of the faces around the lounge as we commenced our one hour programme of 1960s songs. There were 4-5 staff in attendance and they encouraged the residents to join in with the music by singing, clapping or dancing to the rhythms.

Activities Co-ordinator Christine could not be with us and so staff member Martyn was our host for the day. He could be seen taking videos of parts of our performance, and we discovered the next day that he had provided them to Christine so that she could see how well the audience had reacted.

Ron Dolman was missing from our performance, and our programme was:-

1. There’ll Never Be Anyone Else But You

2. When Will I Be Loved            

3. Saturday Night At The Movies    

4. The Young Ones                          

5. Under The Boardwalk     

6. Carrie Anne                                 

7. Can’t Help Falling In Love       

8. Here Comes My Baby               

9. When My Little Girl Is Smiling 

10. Hello Mary Lou

11. Rhinestone Cowboy                       

12. More Than I Can Say                             

13. Michelle                                        

14. California Dreaming                

15. Amarillo                                     

16. Do You Love Me                         

17. American Trilogy